Update: Support Pours In For Longtime Firefighter Injured In Westchester Blaze

A community is pulling together to raise money and cook meals for the family of a beloved firefighter who was seriously injured in a Northern Westchester blaze. 

Clark was injured during an intense blaze on Long Ridge Road in Bedford.

Clark was injured during an intense blaze on Long Ridge Road in Bedford.

Photo Credit: Bedford Fire Department

The effort began after longtime Pound Ridge firefighter and senior resident Ray Clark was injured in an intense blaze that went up at a Bedford residence on Long Ridge Road on Monday morning, April 8. 

Clark, a 62-year department member, is known for always giving his time to his community. Now that he is in need, though, Pound Ridge is making sure it gives back to him. 

To accomplish this, after he was injured, community members began a fundraiser that already raised over $11,000 as of Thursday, April 11. The effort aims to raise money to provide Clark and his wife, Pat, with meals through April to help them through the recovery process. 

In addition to donating, those who wish to help Clark and his family can drop off meals at 165 Salem Rd. between 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. as long as they do not include broccoli or cauliflower, which Clark has a "large dislike" for. 

Those looking to help can click here to view the fundraiser. 

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